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Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Review – A Comprehensive and Contemporary Update 2021


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Learning Objectives
At the completion of this course, you should be able to:
– Describe evidence-based approaches in managing oral and maxillofacial surgery patients.
– Discuss current advances in managing maxillofacial problems and diseases.
– Apply the information learned into his or her daily clinical practice.
– Use improved competence and knowledge base in performing current surgical procedures and techniques. Thus improving patient safety.


Airway Emergencies
Deepak G. Krishnan, DDS, FACS

How Would You Manage This Case – 4 Perioperative Vignettes
Kyle Kramer, DDS, MS

How Would You Manage This Case – Cardiac Disease
Kyle Kramer, DDS, MS

How Would You Manage this Patient – The Dapt, Renal and Liver Disease Patient
Karel de Leeuw, DDS, MD

Complications in Ambulatory Anesthesia
Stuart Lieblich, DMD

Prescribing Controlled Substances and Opioid Reduction Strategies
Gary F. Bouloux, MD, DDS, MDSc

Data Driven Prevention of Complications From 3rd Molars
Thomas Dodson, DMD, MPH, FACS

What is the Role of Coronectomy in the Operative Management of High-Risk, Impacted 3rd Molars
Thomas Dodson, DMD, MPH, FACS

Dentoalveolar Complications
Gregg Ness, DDS

Maxillofacial Nerve Injuries – Diagnosis and Management
John Zuniga, DMD, MS, PhD

Legal Aspects Pertaining to the Management of Patients
Christy B. Durant, Esq.

Medication Related Osteonecrosis of the Jaw (MRONJ)
Eric R. Carlson, DMD, MD, EdM, FACS

Jasjit K. Dillon, DDS, MBBS, FDSRCS, FACS

Infection and Osteomyelitis
Rabie Shanti, DMD, MD

Perioperative Infection Control in Maxillofacial Surgery
Julie Ann Smith, DDS, MD, MCR

Implants – Prosthodontics
Martin Freilich, DDS

The Zygoma Implant Concept and Surgical Protocol
Pedro Franco, DDS

Digitally Guided Full-Arch Immediate Reconstruction
Yong-Han Koo, DDS

Applying Navigation with Implant Surgery
Michael S. Block, DMD

Complications in Dental Implants
Peter Moy, DMD

Mandibular Condylar and Subcondylar Fractures
Marty Steed, DDS

Panfacial Trauma Management
David B. Powers, MD, DMD, FACS, FRCS (Ed)

Orbital Trauma
Carolyn Brookes, MD, DMD

Pediatric Facial Trauma
Mark A. Green, DDS, MD

Complications in Maxillofacial Trauma
David B. Powers, MD, DMD, FACS, FRCS (Ed)

Navigational Surgery and Virtual Surgical Planning: It’s Applications in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery
Jasjit K. Dillon, DDS, MBBS, FDSRCS, FACS

Minimally Invasive Maxillofacial Surgery
Maria Troulis, DDS MSc, FACS

Diagnosis and Treatment Planning TMD
Gregory Ness, DDS, FACS

Modified Condylotomy in the Management of TM Joint Disorders
Samuel McKenna, DDS, MD

Arthrocentesis vs Arthroscopy for Intraarticular Pain and Limited Function
Gary F. Bouloux, MD, DDS, MDSc

Hypomobility and Ankylosis
Joli Chien-Ya Chou, DMD, MD, FACS

Alloplastic Reconstruction of the Temporomandibular Joint
N. Shaun Matthews, DDS, MD, FDS, FRCS, FRCS (OMFS)

Complications of TMJ Surgery
Pushkar Mehra, DMD, MS, FACS & Eber Stevao, DDS, MSc, PhD

Management of Benign Odontogenic Lesions
Dean Deluke, DDS, MBA

Management of Craniofacial Fibro-Osseous Lesions and Neoplasms of Bone
Andrea Burke, DMD, MD

White and Red Lesions
Don-John Summerlin, DMD, MS

Management of Head and Neck Cancer Patient – Primary Site Surgery
Antonia Kolokythas, DDS, MSc, MSed, FACS

Management of Head and Neck Cancer Patient – Neck Dissection
Antonia Kolokythas, DDS, MSc, MSed, FACS

Surgical Orthodontics
Jonny Feldman, DMD, MS

Changes in Treatment Planning from the 1960-70’s to Today
Joseph E. Van Sickels, DDS, FACD, FICD, FACS

Bone Anchor Maxillary Protraction (BAMP)
George Blakey, DDS

Distraction Osteogenesis: A 30 Year Retrospective
Suzanne McCormick, MS, DDS

Virtual Surgery Planning in Orthognathic Surgery and Facial Asymmetries
Steven M. Roser, DMD, MD, FACS, FRCS(Ed)

Surgery First Orthognathic Surgery
Daniel J. Meara, MS, MD, DMD, MHCDS, FACS

Surgical Management of Obstructive Sleep Apnea
Joseph E. Cillo, Jr., DMD, MPH, PhD, FACS, FAACMFS

Complications in Orthognathic Surgery
W. Bradford Williams, DMD, MD

Autogenous Bone Grafts for Maxillary Reconstruction in Preparation for Implant Placement
Peter Larsen, DDS, FACS

Microvascular Reconstruction of Maxilla – Concepts and Options
Srini Chandra, BDS, MD, FDSRCS

Local and Regional Flaps
Donita Dyalram, DDS, MD, FACS

Overview of Cleft Palate
G.E.Ghali, DDS, MD, FACS, FRCS(Ed)

Complications in Craniofacial Surgery
Jennifer Woerner, DMD, MD, FACS

Cosmetic Surgery – Advances in Rhinoplasty
Angelo Cuzalina, MD, DDS

Cosmetic Surgery – Modern Rhytidectomy
Erik Nuveen, MD, DMD

Cosmetic Surgery – Blepharoplasty and Browlifting Update
Mo Banki, MD, DMD, FACS

Advances in Minimally Invasive Facial Cosmetic Surgery
Elie Ferneini, MD, DMD, MHS, MBA, FACS, FACD

Complications in Minimally Invasive Facial Cosmetic Surgery
Elie Ferneini, MD, DMD, MHS, MBA, FACS, FACD

Complications of Cosmetic Surgery
Mo Banki, MD, DMD, FACS


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Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Review – A Comprehensive and Contemporary Update 2021